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The pandemic has brought about a host of new health concerns and issues. One of the less talked-about yet highly prevalent health issues which has captured many health professionals’ attention is mouth breathing. In normal breathing, air enters the body through the nostrils. When the nasal passage is blocked, however, […]

Do you have a tongue thrust problem? Myofunctional therapy can help. Tongue thrust is when the tongue pushes against or between the teeth when swallowing, speaking or at rest. It can have a big impact on your oral health, leading to speech problems, flawed dental alignment and oral musculature issues. […]

Myofunctional therapy is a type of therapy for those with abnormalities or dysfunction in the muscles used for swallowing, speaking, and breathing. Typically thought of as a treatment for children with speech and oral motor difficulties, many don’t realize that myofunctional therapy can offer substantial benefits to adults as well. […]

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? You may not realize it, but if you’re waking up feeling exhausted or experiencing loud snoring during the night, you may be a victim of this common sleep disorder. Sleep apnea affects people of all ages, and it can have serious health effects if […]

The bond between horses and humans is one that reaches far and wide, and it exists in many different forms. Whether you consider horseback riding to be a sport or leisure activity, there is no denying the unique and beautiful connection between horse and rider. Equestrianism consists of many different […]

These days, personal health and fitness have become increasingly important for millions of people worldwide. People are working out more, eating better, and making strides in taking better care of their physical wellbeing. A natural extension of this focus on health and wellness is the growing desire for cosmetic dentistry. […]

Wedding season

June is the season of love, and with weddings on the horizon, brides and their wedding party members are gearing up for the big day. June has long been associated with weddings in many cultures. In ancient Roman times, June was dedicated to the goddess Juno, who was considered the […]

Are you considering undergoing tongue tie surgery? If yes, then you are in the right place. The technology to provide tongue tie surgery has evolved significantly, and you can now have the operation carried out using one of the most revolutionary treatment forms, laser technology. In this post, we discuss […]

As a parent, it is important to know the impact that tongue ties can have on a child’s overall development. Tongue ties, also referred to as ankyloglossia, are a common condition that can affect infants and young children. When left untreated, it can have a lasting impact on a child’s […]

Tongue-tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a condition where the tongue’s movement is restricted due to a tight lingual frenulum. This can lead to a range of problems, such as difficulty in speaking, eating, and swallowing properly, as well as potential dental and mouth development issues. Treating tongue-tie typically involves […]