
Why Lip Sucking Is More Than Just a Bad Habit: Dr. Tad Morgan, DDS, Explains the Risks

Your beautiful smile and healthy teeth are a huge part of your appearance, and it’s important to take good care of them. There are a number of bad habits that can lead to dental problems, including nail biting, teeth grinding and lip sucking. Dr. Tad Morgan, DDS, a leading dentist, warns that lip sucking can be more than just a bad habit – it can lead to serious dental issues.

What Is Lip Sucking?

Lip sucking is a common habit for many people. It is especially common in children, but some adults continue to engage in the habit. Lip sucking involves a person sucking on their upper or lower lip for an extended period of time. This can involve gently sucking on the lip, or it can be a more aggressive behavior. Some people may find it comforting or relaxing, but it can be harmful to the teeth and mouth over time.

Risks of Lip Sucking

Lip sucking can cause a number of dental problems, and it can be especially harmful when the habit extends into adulthood. Lip sucking can lead to misaligned teeth, gum recession and bite problems. This can lead to a need for orthodontic treatment to correct the issues. If left untreated, lip sucking can cause serious problems, including swollen gums, decay and tooth loss. Lip sucking can also cause damage to the tissues in the mouth and around the teeth, leading to gum disease and other related issues.

How to Stop Lip Sucking

Like any habit, lip sucking can be difficult to break. However, it is important to make an effort to stop the habit in order to protect your teeth and oral health. Several techniques can be used to help break the cycle of lip sucking. Chewing gum or holding a small toy or stress ball can help redirect the behavior. Parents can also help by encouraging children to stop the habit and offering praise when success is achieved.

Dr. Tad Morgan also suggests speaking with a dentist or orthodontist for advice on how to stop lip sucking. A dentist can identify the reasons behind the habit and offer suggestions for stopping it. Custom mouth guards can also be used to help children break the habit. Some people may benefit from counseling or hypnosis to help address the emotional issues associated with the habit.

Taking Care of Your Teeth and Mouth

In addition to breaking the habit of lip sucking, it is important to take good care of your teeth and mouth. Brushing and flossing regularly are important to remove plaque and food particles that can lead to decay. Visiting your dentist twice a year for regular cleanings can also help identify and address any dental issues before they become serious. It is also important to eat a healthy diet and avoid sugary foods and drinks to protect your teeth and mouth.


Lip sucking may seem like a harmless habit, but it can cause serious dental problems over time. It can lead to misaligned teeth, gum recession and bite issues, and it can cause damage to the tissues in the mouth and around the teeth. In order to protect your teeth and oral health, it is important to take steps to stop the habit. Speaking with a dentist can help identify the reasons behind the habit and offer suggestions for stopping it. Taking good care of your teeth and mouth with regular brushing, flossing, and cleanings is also important. Don’t let lip sucking become a long-term problem for your dental health.