
The Power of Precision: How Myofunctional Therapy Shapes Palate Expansion

Palate expansion refers to the growth and widening of the roof of the mouth, and can be a useful treatment for various problems in speech, eating, and breathing. Myofunctional therapy, also known as oral myofunctional therapy or simply MFT, is a form of rehabilitation treatment which can be used to help retrain and strengthen the muscles of the mouth and throat in order to assist an individual with the expansion or contractions of the palate.

What is Myofunctional Therapy and How Can It Assist Palate Expansion?

Myofunctional therapy sessions focus on developing correct swallowing patterns, producing evaluation and treatment approaches to improve the uncoordinated or unbalanced structures of the oral cavity, and improving the strength of the structures of speech. This therapy also addresses the abnormal or reverse posture and kinesthetic awareness, with the objective of promoting normal muscle functioning.

When correctly administered by a qualified and trained professional, myofunctional therapy can successfully bring improvement to the strength of the tongue, lips, and jaw, and the correct coordination of these structures. It also promotes appropriate alignment of the teeth and improved airflow and resonance during speech production.

Once the individual has mastered the exercise and techniques taught during myofunctional therapy sessions, they can use these new abilities when eating, drinking, speaking, and sleeping. To help an individual develop their mastery of these skills, a personalized oral exercise routine can be designed to address the specific elements of speech production which require improvement.

The Importance of Precision in Myofunctional Therapy

Precision is of the utmost importance in the practice of myofunctional therapy. The exercises used in the therapy sessions must be tailored to the individual, taking into account their unique muscular strengths and weaknesses, their current level of kinesthetic awareness, and the specific goals of the myofunctional therapy.

The therapist must carefully evaluate the individual in order to create a detailed treatment plan which is in-line with the guidelines of evidence-based medicine. The myofunctional therapy therapist must take in consideration a variety of functional, lingual, and other aspects of the mouth and throat in order to accurately assess the individual’s strengths and weaknesses.

The treatment administrator must then implement the treatment plan with precision and regular reassessment of the individual’s abilities. Myofunctional therapy can be a slow process, and the therapist must be able to regularly reassess and make modifications to the treatment plan as needed.

How Myofunctional Therapy Can Shape Palate Expansion

One of the main ways that myofunctional therapy can assist with the expansion of the palate is by retraining the muscles of the mouth and throat to develop a correct swallowing pattern. Individuals with a noxious swallowing pattern, also known as stage 1 or 3 swallowing, do not employ the tongue to push food or liquid particles back into the throat. Instead, they rely on sucking and compression of the liquid to move it back to the throat.

Myofunctional therapy techniques and exercises can help an individual develop the muscular coordination to engage the tongue and other muscles in the appropriate manner during the swallowing process. These exercises are effective tools for the retraining of the muscles of the mouth and throat, resulting in the correct kinematic sequence of a normal swallowing pattern, and thereby assisting with the expansion of the palate.

In addition to addressing the noxious swallowing pattern, myofunctional therapy can be used to develop and maintain the balance and symmetry of the structures of the mouth and throat. When these structures are in balance and symmetry with a normal posture, the muscles are in ideal condition for the development and maintenance of an adaptable and efficient articulation of speech.

In Conclusion

Myofunctional therapy is a powerful form of rehabilitation treatment which can be used to assist with palate expansion by retraining the muscles of the mouth and throat, strengthening the structures of speech, and developing an adaptable and efficient articulation of speech. When correctly administered by a qualified and trained professional with precision, myofunctional therapy can be used to retrain and strengthen the muscles of the mouth and throat to the end of assisting an individual with the expansion or contractions of the palate.