
The Dangers of Lip Sucking: Dr. Tad Morgan, DDS

When people think of dangerous activities, lip sucking does not often come to mind. However, it can have some real negative effects on a person’s dental health. Dr. Tad Morgan DDS is an expert in the field, and he has seen first-hand the kind of damage lip sucking can cause. In this article, we will explore the dangers of lip sucking, and how a person can avoid these pitfalls.

What is Lip Sucking?

Lip sucking is a habit that can start from a very young age. Basically, it involves a person putting their lower lip between their upper and lower teeth and sucking it. This can be done when the person is nervous, relaxed, bored, or as a self-soothing mechanism.

Why is it Dangerous?

Lip sucking can be dangerous for a number of reasons. The first and most obvious reason is that it can cause harm to the lips. When a person continually sucks their lips it can cause chaffing and dryness. This can even lead to sores or infections if not properly addressed.

In addition to the damage to the lips, lip sucking can also cause damage to the teeth. As the lower lip is placed between the teeth, the suction created can cause the teeth to move out of their correct position. This can negatively impact the bite and cause jaw pain, which can be incredibly uncomfortable.

How Can it be Avoided?

The best way to avoid the damage of lip sucking is to stop the habit altogether. This can be difficult, especially for those who have been doing it for many years, but it is not impossible. If a person is looking to stop lip sucking, it is important to focus on finding a replacement habit. This can be a healthy snack, taking a few deep breaths, or even talking to someone to help distract from the urge.

Another important thing to consider when trying to stop lip sucking is to make sure to keep the lips moisturized. This can help to stop chaffing and dryness which can make lip sucking more tempting.

How Can a Dentist Help?

If a person is experiencing damage as a result of lip sucking, it is important that they see a dentist as soon as possible. A dentist can help to repair any damage that has been done and can also offer advice on how best to try and break the habit.

When a person visits the dentist, they should make sure to mention their habit of lip sucking. This will put the dentist in the best position to offer the most appropriate treatment. In some cases, a guard may be recommended to help protect the teeth from the effects of lip sucking.


Lip sucking may not seem like a dangerous habit, but it can have some very serious consequences both physically and dentally. Dr. Tad Morgan DDS has seen first-hand the kind of damage that lip sucking can cause, and he urges people to try and find a way to break the habit. If a person has been sucking their lips for a long period of time, it is important that they see a dentist right away in order to reduce the risk of any long-term damage.