Tongue Tie Release Benefits: Improving Feeding and Development

January 10, 2025

Procedures that help reduce the effects of tongue tie have gained recognition for their ability to improve feeding and development in infants. Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition in which the tissue that connects the tongue to the bottom of the mouth is too tight or restrictive. The inability to move the tongue freely can lead to various challenges, especially during breastfeeding. Fortunately, the release of tongue tie has proven to offer numerous benefits for infants and their development.

Improved Breastfeeding Experience

One of the primary benefits of tongue tie release is an improved breastfeeding experience for both the baby and mother. Babies with tongue tie often struggle with latching correctly due to restricted tongue movement. This can result in nipple pain, poor milk transfer and even low milk supply. When the tongue tie is released, the baby can latch onto the breast more effectively, improving the overall breastfeeding experience. This leads to better milk transfer, increased milk production and reduced nipple pain for the mother.

Promotion of Proper Oral Development

Tongue tie release also promotes proper oral development in infants. The restriction caused by the tongue tie can lead to abnormal growth and development of the face, palate and jaws. With a released tongue tie, infants are able to achieve more natural growth patterns, which can prevent potential dental issues such as malocclusion and speech difficulties later in life.

Improved Swallowing and Digestion

Another significant benefit of tongue tie release is improved swallowing and digestion. Tongue tie can interfere with proper swallowing, leading to inefficient movement of food or liquids through the mouth and down the throat. This can result in symptoms such as choking, gagging and difficulty swallowing solid foods later on. After tongue tie release, infants exhibit improved swallowing coordination, reducing the risk of these issues and promoting healthy digestion.

Enhanced Speech and Language Development

Tongue tie release has been linked to enhanced speech and language development in children. Since tongue tie can affect the movement and control of the tongue, it can lead to difficulties in articulating sounds and forming words during speech development. By releasing the tongue tie, children have an improved range of motion, enabling them to properly shape their tongues to produce speech sounds more accurately. This can positively impact their language skills and overall communication abilities.

Reduced Risk of Orthodontic Problems

Tongue tie release can help reduce the risk of orthodontic problems. The presence of tongue tie can contribute to abnormal growth of the upper and lower jaws, which can lead to dental misalignment and overcrowding. By releasing the tongue tie early on, infants have a better chance of developing proper oral posture and alignment, potentially reducing the need for extensive orthodontic treatment in the future.


In summary, the benefits of tongue tie release in improving feeding and development cannot be overstated. By addressing tongue tie early on, parents can help their infants experience improved breastfeeding, enhanced oral development, better swallowing and digestion, enhanced speech and language skills, and reduced risk of orthodontic problems. Consult with Dr. Morgan today if you suspect your child may have tongue tie to explore the option of tongue tie release and unlock these lifelong benefits.