How Myofunctional Therapy Can Change Your Oral Health Landscape

January 10, 2025

Many people believe that brushing and flossing alone are enough to keep their mouths clean, but the truth is that your oral health is much more complex. For example, under-treatment, or untreated, mouth breathing as well as improper tongue posture can all lead to a misaligned bite, which can result in orthodontic and airway issues. These issues can have a lifelong impact on your oral health.

There is an effective method to combat these oral issues that goes beyond simply brushing and flossing. Myofunctional therapy has proven to be one of the best tools to help individuals improve their oral health and prevent future complications. In order to better understand the importance of myofunctional therapy and how it can benefit your oral health, let’s briefly dive into what it is and how it works.

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is a type of treatment designed to help individuals develop proper facial and oral muscle function. This type of therapy focuses on improving the strength, coordination, and tone of the muscles within the mouth, face, and neck to promote proper function of the mouth. Myofunctional therapy can be utilized to address a variety of oral issues, including misalignment of the jaw, improper tongue posture, and conditions such as sleep apnea.

How Does Myofunctional Therapy Work?

The goal of myofunctional therapy is to create balance among the different muscles and tissues within the oral cavity. This is accomplished through education and practice of exercises designed to train the facial and oral muscles to achieve proper function.

Myofunctional therapy teaches individuals how to breathe through the nose rather than the mouth (which is often an underlying cause of many oral health issues), how to properly chew and swallow food, as well as how to maintain proper tongue posture. Once an individual has mastered these techniques, they may also begin to notice a reduction in teeth grinding, better posture in the oral and facial muscles, and improved jaw alignment.

What Are the Benefits of Myofunctional Therapy?

Myofunctional therapy offers many benefits to individuals of all ages. Whether you are a child, teenager, or an adult, you can benefit from myofunctional therapy.

One of the primary benefits of myofunctional therapy is its ability to prevent and potentially correct some of the underlying causes of common oral issues. By focusing on proper posture and muscle function, myofunctional therapy can improve the alignment of the jaw, reduce teeth grinding, and even improve breathing patterns. Myofunctional therapy can also help to improve the appearance of the face, neck, and mouth, as well as help to eliminate snoring and improve sleep quality.

Why Should You Consider Myofunctional Therapy?

The health of your mouth is directly connected to the overall health of your body. Proper muscle function and oral hygiene can greatly impact not only your oral health, but also your overall well-being. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to consider all treatment options when it comes to improving their oral health landscape.

Myofunctional therapy is an excellent tool to help individuals manage and prevent many common oral issues. Whether you have been diagnosed with airway issues or are simply interested in improving your overall oral health, myofunctional therapy can be a game-changer. By focusing on proper posture and muscle function, individuals can experience improved breathing patterns, reduced teeth grinding, and even improved sleep quality.


The bottom line is that the health of your mouth is directly connected to the overall health of your body. Taking steps to improve your oral health, such as seeking out myofunctional therapy, can have lifelong benefits. By focusing on proper posture and muscle function, individuals can experience improved breathing patterns, reduced teeth grinding, and even improved sleep quality. Myofunctional therapy is an excellent way to help individuals improve their oral health landscape.